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How to Configure a Verizon.net Account Using IMAP

IMAP is essential and lets you set your accounts on computers and also have access. You can log into your email accounts via webmail, and you can get access when IMAP settings are configured. The messages which you get in your inbox have been saved in your server. You may see the messages which were saved in the host through IMAP settings' setup. POP functions as an entry protocol at which you get the mails from that point and could sync your accounts.


It is much better to configure your accounts using IMAP. This site will share the facts on how to configure Verizon.net account with IMAP. It's generally done when you go from Verizon.net into AOL. You comprehend the details and can read the website.


The process to configure Verizon.net using the IMAP settings


You are required to configure the port and the server number manually. It is counseled that before you start the configuration, ensure to take a backup of your emails to avoid potential loss.


Details for Incoming Mail server settings (IMAP)


Your account type- IMAP
The username- Type your Verizon.net email address
The security information- Your email password
Server name- imap.verizon.net
Server Port-993
Authentication required- Yes
Enable SSL/TLS-Yes

Details for Outgoing Mail server settings (SMTP)


Your account type- SMTP
The username- Type your Verizon.net email address
The security information- Your email password
Server name- smtp.verizon.net
Server Port-465
Authentication required- Yes
Enable SSL/TLS-Yes


The basic steps and settings for configuring Verizon.net must be applied properly to avoid any unnecessary complications. It’s better to configure the settings manually to make less or no errors. Sometimes the users can face issues during this process; it is advised that you take the expert opinion by dialing the Verizon Wireless complaint email  The technical masters will take control of the situation and would ensure to provide you with the best solution available

Source: http://centralguide.net